Monday, April 18, 2011

Warning: This is sports related.

     It’s the NBA playoffs, awesome.  This may also mark the end what I wouldn’t describe as an “era” but more of a “fling”.  I’m writing of course about the Sacramento Kings who are most likely packing their bags and telling yet another city “it’s not you, it’s me” but we all know what’s really going on Sacramento…. You were just the sensitive lady in a relationship with another selfish guy with commitment issues that you thought you could change.  But it’s ending the same as always… you’re upset, alone and still no ring.  Look at their past.  The've hardly been able to hold a relationship longer than 10 years and for 3 years in the '70s they we're in 2 cities at once.  What did you expect?  
     Alas, don’t be too heart broken.  There are other pointless fish in the seas of professional basketball.  If you’re standards are still as low as they were when you rooted for the Kings you can always root for the even less relevant Golden State Warriors.  Sure its going to be a long distance relationship, and you know what?  You’ll probably still never see that ring you’ve always wanted.  But Golden State has a much better track record than the Kings as far as loyalty to a City.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


...After not keeping up with my past blog and not blogging-in on a regular basis as most bloggers (that's not a racial slur is it?) do I've decided to retire my prior blog and reboot my blogging endeavors with a whole new blog.  So far I'm off to a blogging good start having used the word "blog" eight times already. Blog (9).
     What are my goals with this new blog?  That's simple.  Get famous.  Duh.  This will end in one of 14 ways.  1: Urban Outfitters will offer me a ton of money for a novelty book filled with my hilarious blogs. 2: I'll be shot down in a hail of gun fire in Detroit. 3: Michael Bay will approach me with a screen play meant to be played by me because it's based off of this blog. 4-14:  Use your imagination... as long as it end with me making the news.
     Anyways, I'm gonna go cook dinner.  Should be rad.


Hey, Check Me Out!

I'm "blogging" again.