Sunday, April 17, 2011


...After not keeping up with my past blog and not blogging-in on a regular basis as most bloggers (that's not a racial slur is it?) do I've decided to retire my prior blog and reboot my blogging endeavors with a whole new blog.  So far I'm off to a blogging good start having used the word "blog" eight times already. Blog (9).
     What are my goals with this new blog?  That's simple.  Get famous.  Duh.  This will end in one of 14 ways.  1: Urban Outfitters will offer me a ton of money for a novelty book filled with my hilarious blogs. 2: I'll be shot down in a hail of gun fire in Detroit. 3: Michael Bay will approach me with a screen play meant to be played by me because it's based off of this blog. 4-14:  Use your imagination... as long as it end with me making the news.
     Anyways, I'm gonna go cook dinner.  Should be rad.



  1. No I rule... JEFF!!! 1st comment not by the blogger... All with 1 hand whilst getting tattooed. Technology.

  2. Also start referring to your blog with the acronym NWBWG... ASAP. Now that you're a blogger, can we hang out with republican-ass Matt Drudge?

  3. The Lake show just gets classier and classier...slappin' a ho at an IHOP? whaaat?
