Monday, April 18, 2011

Warning: This is sports related.

     It’s the NBA playoffs, awesome.  This may also mark the end what I wouldn’t describe as an “era” but more of a “fling”.  I’m writing of course about the Sacramento Kings who are most likely packing their bags and telling yet another city “it’s not you, it’s me” but we all know what’s really going on Sacramento…. You were just the sensitive lady in a relationship with another selfish guy with commitment issues that you thought you could change.  But it’s ending the same as always… you’re upset, alone and still no ring.  Look at their past.  The've hardly been able to hold a relationship longer than 10 years and for 3 years in the '70s they we're in 2 cities at once.  What did you expect?  
     Alas, don’t be too heart broken.  There are other pointless fish in the seas of professional basketball.  If you’re standards are still as low as they were when you rooted for the Kings you can always root for the even less relevant Golden State Warriors.  Sure its going to be a long distance relationship, and you know what?  You’ll probably still never see that ring you’ve always wanted.  But Golden State has a much better track record than the Kings as far as loyalty to a City.


  1. Way to keep the Clippers name out of your your post. Now the Sacramento "Queens" as Shaq so awesomely half gaybashed them so many years ago are going to head down south and suck it up in Anaheim.

    At least they have the chance to be purchased by Disney and be renamed "The Emperor's New Shoes Of Anaheim", which brings me to this: have you ever noticed how when you're a team in Anaheim you don't have a regular name scheme like, (CITY) (NAME) ex: Los Angeles Lakers.

    If you're a team from Anaheim you're called The Angels of Anaheim or the Mighty Ducks of least Anaheim doesn't have a Major League soccer team...yet.

    And since this is a sports-related post, please don't reply with something about soccer. Thanks.

  2. Ahh Casey.....I apologize for the delay in responding to this cute blog. The first thing I noticed was that if your replace the words 'Sacramento Kings' with 'Casey Cress' the story of failed relationships and being upset and alone still ring true. (burned). Secondly if you read the news, you would have noticed that it looks like Sacramento gets to keep its lowly Kings for at least another year. I wont go into the cliche Laker bashing and how your fans idolize a gay bashing butt rapist. I wont even go into the incompetence of the ownership of your beloved Doyers. In closing, feel free to continue bashing away. Soon Kobe's knees will completely fail, Pau will lose his green card, Fisher will turn 50, and Horry might even get his braces off. The future of your team is Luke Walton. Enjoy that era.

    PS in response to Jeff's comments:
    Since when was the Los Angeles Lakers a 'normal' name? There is one lake in all of LA county and it is only used by your beloved residents of the Inland Empire. As the Kings may have had a few moves in their lifetime, so have the the Lakers. Your roots lie in Minnesota. I'm not sure Minnesota is even still a state.

  3. I'm just saying the state name is in front of the team name instead of the other way around...and yes LA lacks lakes, and I'm pushing for Inland Empire sovereignty so they're not part of our state anymore- hopefully that works out for us.

    Don't bash on Walton- he should be ready to carry a team after being completely ineffectual for 7 he's gonna have Derrick Character and the guy they got from Bakersfield Trey Johnson. Ya that guy.

    Can't wait.

  4. it'd be awesome to relocate sacramento to a different country. the kings can go to anaheim, i don't care. they'll just move to fargo or something in two years anyway.

  5. Geez Kevin...Apathy is cool...or whatever....i guess....i don't care...went to Kings/Sharks game you know how I'm feeling.
